Hello! I’m Lisa and I’m so glad you’ve stopped by!
Here at The Brambles, I’m very serious about 3 things: delicious food and not getting delicious food on my crafts while I try to finish some of my dozens of works-in-progress (WIPs). The third thing is my sanity. Cooking delicious food, crafting and sharing it with you is how I try to keep sane in the chaos of raising a family while we farm, garden and occasionally work on finishing our farmhouse.
For years I’ve been meaning to write my recipes down and make myself a cookbook. That’s exactly what you’ll find here. You’ll find my new creations, the classics and our family favorites.
I don’t call myself a foodie, but I am a food nerd. I love the food science, the how and why things work the way they do in the kitchen. I’ve shared with you what you’ll typically find in my pantry, and I’ll always try to tell you about the science behind why the recipe works. If you’re interested in some of my favorite nerdy cookbooks, check this out.
When I’m not in the kitchen, I’m in my lair. It’s in the basement, but it holds my favorite non-kitchen toys – my Bernina sewing machine (a hand-me-down from my mom that’s still going strong), my fabric stash (shhh, don’t tell Mr. Brambles how big it is), my yarn and all my other craft projects. Each month I’ll share with you my latest works in progress and finished objects – sewing, quilting, knitting and crocheting.
Come join me as I ramble on about our food, crafts and life in rural Iowa.
P.S. I hide the chocolate in the bottom drawer in my lair.
A few fun facts:
I’ve been married to my amazing husband since 2011.
Together we have a 7 year old daughter, Miss A; a 4 year old son, Mr. B; and a 1 year old son Mr E. We’ve just begun our homeschool journey with Miss A starting second grade.
He won’t admit it, but Mr. Brambles really loves our rescue mutt Bella, a boxer/shepherd mix with boundless energy and love. She thinks he gives the BEST belly rubs.
Since moving to the farm we’ve acquired a passel of cats. At the moment we have 6, the majority of whom are pure white. Most of them love to follow me around while I garden and work in the yard and shamelessly beg for loves while attacking my plants.
I’m the youngest of four children and I was raised in Montana, then went to college in Wyoming. Even though I’m a Mid-West girl now, the mountains and wide open space of the West will always have a special place in my heart.
We’ve built our dream home on our dream farm. We love being nestled in the middle of the fields we farm with lots of open space for the kids to play. We have backyard that is full of trees, woods and brambles just waiting to be explored.